Tag - Child/Family Resilience


a student writes in a notebook

Illinois Extension program prepares youths for the real world

Young people often don’t have a grasp of how much money it takes to cover necessities like food and bills. At a time when many Americans live paycheck to paycheck, money management strategies are more important than ever. The 4-H Welcome to the Real World program, offered through the University of Illinois Extension 4-H team, opens young people’s eyes to [...]

a father and daughter hike in the woods

Oklahoma Extension program helps parents navigate divorce, coparenting

While adjusting to new family dynamics from separation or divorce can be a challenge for parents and children alike, effective communication and organization skills can help make the transition easier. Oklahoma State University’s Extension-led Co-parenting for Resilience program helps parents going through separation or divorce reduce negative impacts on children. Topics discussed include how to talk to children about a [...]

a woman cares for her elderly father

Extension in the Dakotas helps caregivers find support

An estimated 21.3% of Americans are caregivers — those who are helping relatives or friends with daily tasks such as eating, dressing, bathing and managing medications as they face situations such as end-of-life decline, chronic illness and recovery from surgery or illness. Becoming a caregiver can present many difficulties. As the Baby Boomer generation gets older and more Americans [...]

two teens prepare food for a charcuterie board

Florida 4-H Extension leverages charcuterie trend to teach youths about food safety, financial planning

Charcuterie boards have been all the rage in recent years. These artfully arranged spreads of cured meals, cheeses, fruits and preserves combine creativity with delicious flavors. University of Florida 4-H Extension leaders have leveraged the charcuterie trend to teach youth about food and kitchen safety and financial planning, among other topics. A contest called Charcuterie Masters allows 4-H members to [...]

a father raises his child in the air

Oklahoma “Strong Dads” program strengthens father-child bonds

In response to the prevalence of absent fathers in Oklahoma homes, Oklahoma State University Extension collaborated with Oklahoma Human Services to launch the “Strong Dads” program in September 2023. This 12-week initiative operates across nine counties, focuses on reinforcing the father-child bond and is offered in both English and Spanish Participants. The program encompasses those facing economic or relational [...]

kids swimming in a natural body of water

Strengthening families through engaging programs

Research and Cooperative Extension professionals in the Land-grant University System are dedicated to developing innovative programs that impact diverse communities nationwide. This work helps improve the lives of youths and families by connecting them with educational resources and engaging opportunities. Here are a few examples of that work: In Oklahoma, the Co-Parenting for Resilience program is helping parents effectively cope with [...]

young woman examines a plant in her garden

Historically Black land-grant universities reach diverse communities

In 1890, the Land-grant University System was expanded to include institutions for Black citizens. Today, these institutions continue to provide access to higher education for underserved communities, and their research and Extension programs impact people worldwide through advancements in agricultural productivity and sustainability, food security, human health, and community and youth development. Here are a few examples of that work: First-time [...]

Young child smiles holding vegetables

Strengthening Tribal communities through collaboration

Working with federally recognized Tribes, land-grant universities help provide evidence-based education and resources that represent the community’s history customs, governance system and food traditions. These programs promote and improve health, food security and sustainability for Tribal communities. Here are a few examples of that work: Representation and cultural relevancy for Tribal communities is critical for Extension outreach success. Health and nutrition [...]

rural barn on the country

Minnesota youth program addresses rural stress

Rural and farm stress has been a challenge for Minnesotans in recent years. Effective programs addressing this issue cannot ignore youths, who are aware of and affected by family stress. For that reason, the University of Minnesota Extension implemented a youth worker training program that bridges research and practice in a variety of ways. Outreach efforts include in-person and virtual [...]

grandfather and grandchildren watering a garden

Arkansas grandparents grow relationship with grandchildren through gardening

An increasing number of grandparents are raising their grandchildren. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s Cooperative Extension Program is developing ways to support them and provide necessary resources. One way is by helping grandparents to grow their own food. The university’s School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences partnered with the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service and the Pine Bluff [...]

photo of two older adults using resistance bands for exercise

Supporting healthy aging through activity, social connectedness, positive outlook

The older adult population is growing more rapidly than other age groups in the United States. At the same time, aging stigma and lack of information on aging can affect health outcomes. Land-grant universities across the country have unique programming to aid healthy aging by promoting activity, social connectedness, positive outlook and more. Here are a few examples of that [...]

peppers being sliced on a cutting board

Supporting families with community nutrition programs

Youths and adults face a variety of health issues, from food insecurity to cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Cooperative Extension’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) serve low-income residents nationwide and help address these issues by helping participants eat healthy, shop on a budget and stay active. Here are a few examples [...]

a shot of a person from the knees down, wearing jeans and athletic shoes

Fitness programs change lifestyles and health

Physical activity that increases the heart rate helps to decrease health risks and provides additional health benefits such as improved sleep, lower cholesterol and improved mental health. Fitness programs including walking and dancing are accessible to almost anyone, easy to start and can lead to behavior changes and positively impact residents’ health and well-being by decreasing risks for obesity, [...]

closeup photo of hands in a meditative pose

Innovative approaches to mental well-being

The need to care for our mental well-being is more evident than ever, post-pandemic. More than half of Americans report COVID-19 has negatively impacted their mental health. Extension networks across the country are working to tackle this crisis, often employing new and innovative programming. Here are a few examples of that work: In Michigan, the Mental Health First Aid program trains [...]

house for rent sign

Improving housing security through renter education

Challenges with securing and maintaining housing underpin many societal challenges, and a lack of understanding about the issues and what can be done persists. To address this issue, University of Minnesota Extension provided renter education for individuals, community members and community organizations. Generally, community members had a low income, needed to build credit and rental histories, were new to [...]

a student facing stress

Virginia webinar series helps participants balance the stresses of life

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck four years ago, Virginia Cooperative Extension launched a series of webinars to address emerging issues facing its constituents — from financial issues to remote work and schooling to stress management. Organizers planned to offer just a few of these sessions in the spring of 2020. But with audience numbers for the webinars reaching as [...]

group of women talking

Extension boosts resilience in rural South Dakota communities

With the advancement of technology and a greater interest toward rural migration, rural communities have more opportunities to attract and capture new talent, entrepreneurs and working populations who can build local economies. For that reason, South Dakota State University Extension responded to the demographic changes happening in the rural Great Plains by creating Marketing Hometown America. This Extension-based program helps [...]

a man holding a wood pallet in a workshop

Nebraska eCommunities program boosts rural economies

In rural Nebraska, many communities have experienced population losses leading to a decline in economic activity. Since 2021, an Extension program from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has offered support for business owners in 20 communities in 12 rural counties, helping them set and develop strategies for achieving their goals. The Nebraska Entrepreneurial Communities, or eCommunities, initiative sets up a steering [...]

4-H fair, agent samples planting for a group of students

4-H buddies help special needs youth experience camp

Camping programs are among the hallmark experiences in 4-H that many young people look forward to every year. But some 4-H participants with special needs, such as disabilities and medical concerns, are unable to participate. In Columbia County, Georgia, a 4-H volunteer approached Extension staff with the idea of hosting an inclusive mini camp. Three two-day programs were held that [...]

a woman checks her shopping cart at the grocery store

Helping immigrants shop smarter for food

New refugee families arriving in the United States face many challenges, including finding jobs, housing and adapting to their new community. They also need to learn how to navigate the aisles of a grocery store, prepare meals with foods that may be unfamiliar to them and stretch their food budget to feed their family. Making healthy food choices is [...]

closeup photo of two people holding hands

Minnesota takes a community approach to opioid epidemic

Drug overdose deaths have increased drastically in Minnesota in the last few years, with greater Minnesota having a larger increase than the metro area for the first time in a decade. The increased use of fentanyl is a contributing factor in this surge. In response, University of Minnesota Extension and partners worked together to create C.O.P.E. (Community-based Opioid Prevention and [...]

map of gardens with points highlighted with carrot icons. there is also a photograph of a garden.

Edible garden tours encourage new gardeners

Idaho gardeners face unpredictable growing conditions and this can discourage those new to gardening or with limited experience. Gardening offers many benefits, including food security, personal empowerment, economic savings and physical activity. University of Idaho Extension organized a self-guided Edible Garden Tour with 13 experienced home gardeners to encourage and educate new gardeners. Each host garden was unique, from [...]

young boy bites into a piece of watermelon

Grow Getters instills early healthy habits

Good health in the early years leads to physical and cognitive development that enables youths to thrive and become healthy adults. Early care and education providers can teach healthy behaviors to young children if resources are available in a grab-and-go format. South Dakota State University Extension professionals created Grow Getters to provide nutrition and physical activities through garden concepts [...]

senior citizen does an exercise inside a greenhouse

An innovative program for preventing falls in older adults

Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. Major risk factors for falls are inactivity, muscle weakness and balance issues. A program newly implemented by the North Dakota Extension Service seeks to improve strength, balance, mobility and daily function, reducing participants’ risk of falling, all while feeling more like recreation and less like traditional [...]

a woman looking at a laptop in her home

Virtual programs support healthy lifestyles

Programs that support healthy lifestyles, including nutrition, physical activity and mental health, provide critical education, support and resources for many residents. COVID-19 forced programs online and the Land-grant University System continues offering online options to positively impact residents and support their healthy lifestyles. Virtual programs offer greater flexibility for participants, allowing more to engage in and benefit from the [...]