Tag - Colorado


photo of two older adults using resistance bands for exercise

Supporting healthy aging through activity, social connectedness, positive outlook

The older adult population is growing more rapidly than other age groups in the United States. At the same time, aging stigma and lack of information on aging can affect health outcomes. Land-grant universities across the country have unique programming to aid healthy aging by promoting activity, social connectedness, positive outlook and more. Here are a few examples of that [...]

a honeybee sits in the middle of a flower

Pollinators support agriculture profitability

Bees, flies, moths and other pollinators are essential to the environment. Pollinators improve the quality and quantity of farmers’ crop yields, which adds an estimated $18 billion in crop production revenue annually. Pollinators also support healthy ecosystems needed for clean air, stable soils and diverse wildlife. However, both wild and domesticated pollinators are at risk, most notably many wild [...]

closeup of hands holding a pea seed packet. there is a bag of seed packets in the background.

Community gardens increase food security and community well-being

Based on the 2023 National Gardening Survey, 80% of American households participated in a gardening project in 2022. Through Extension trainings, seed libraries and gardening kits and the efforts of Extension Master Gardener volunteers, land-grant universities are increasing access to gardens, improving community well-being, and helping individuals learn to grow their own food. Here are a few examples of that [...]

two people look in a box of food at a food pantry

Food security resources for local communities

Limited access to healthy food options can lead to problems such as poor health, chronic illness, child development and family instability. Food pantries can help people who lack adequate food resources access a range of products locally. By connecting food pantries with resources, land-grant universities are helping communities better serve those in need. Here are a few examples of that [...]