Tag - Climate Resiliency


a group of teens water a recently planted tree

Youth for climate action empowers New York high school advocates for environmental change

Responding to climate change challenges, Cornell Cooperative Extension in New York initiated the Youth for Climate Action Program, empowering high school students to address environmental issues. The Youth for Climate Action Program equips high school advocates with tools to address climate challenges, fostering community engagement and promoting environmental awareness. In 2020, inspired by the Cornell Climate Stewards Program, Extension in [...]

Dark storm clouds brewing over a field

Monitoring climate change to reduce emissions and waste

Land-grant universities are working to provide critical data, tools and strategies to help predict, monitor and mitigate climate change and its impacts on communities and natural resources. Here are a few examples of that work: Dairy waste is a major source of methane and nitrous oxide emissions, which contribute to global warming. Scientists in Washington showed that vermifiltration (which uses filters [...]

Aerial view of a field mapped out with drone technology

Emerging technologies aid conservation and management

Climate change and biodiversity losses pose extraordinary challenges for the sustainability of natural ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. Land-grant universities are developing and applying emerging technologies that can help to more efficiently, accurately and safely monitor, measure, and precisely manage these systems with minimal environmental impact. Here are a few examples of that work: In New Hampshire, researchers found [...]

a honeybee sits in the middle of a flower

Pollinators support agriculture profitability

Bees, flies, moths and other pollinators are essential to the environment. Pollinators improve the quality and quantity of farmers’ crop yields, which adds an estimated $18 billion in crop production revenue annually. Pollinators also support healthy ecosystems needed for clean air, stable soils and diverse wildlife. However, both wild and domesticated pollinators are at risk, most notably many wild [...]

forest with wildlife

Forestlands are fundamental for healthy ecosystems

Forests are vulnerable to climate change, but when managed sustainably they can play an important role in mitigating climate change. Healthy trees provide oxygen by removing carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis. The carbon is stored in wood, plants and soil, helping to reduce carbon emissions. Land-grant universities are supplying research and outreach to improve our forestlands. Here are [...]

an agricultural field

Increasing food security with better food products

Ensuring an adequate supply of safe and nutritious food requires improving existing food varieties and innovating to develop new ones. Here are a few examples of how land-grant universities are contributing: Researchers in Washington generated more than 25 unique lines of rainbow trout with many more in the pipeline. Using biotechnology, they are developing commercial trout lines with enhanced production and [...]

the Chesapeake Bay

Critical moments to improve Chesapeake water quality

A study by Pennsylvania State University researchers concluded that the vast majority of nutrients and sediment washed into streams flowing into the Chesapeake Bay are picked up by deluges from severe storms that occur on relatively few days of the year. The researchers say this offers clues for cleaning up the impaired estuary. A small percentage of locations and events [...]

a rainbow shines through sprinkler mist on a field

Protecting our water

Water continues to be one of the most critical challenges facing agriculture and communities. Land-grant universities are working to discover new ways to increase water efficiency, reduce water use and protect water quality. Here are a few examples of that work: Researchers in Ohio are working to improve soil health and water quality through best agricultural management practices to prevent non-point-source [...]

crops growing in a field

Creating new, sustainable products from agricultural waste and biomass

Petroleum and other nonrenewable materials are commonly used for plastics, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other products we use on a daily basis. But many of these products can be made from biomass, including food and agricultural wastes. Bioproducts offer a way to improve energy security, food security and national security while also cutting back on fossil fuel-related pollution [...]

drone flying over a body of water

Drone-based monitoring of water bodies allows for earlier detection of ecological threats

Toxic blue-green algae blooms of cyanobacteria in water bodies can pose significant environmental and public health risks. Collecting and analyzing single samples from these harmful algal blooms is time consuming and can expose researchers to harmful toxins. To address these limitations and risks, University of New Hampshire researchers used an unpiloted aerial system (UAS), or drone, with a multispectral sensor [...]

two scientists take samples and measurements in a field

Developing climate-friendly farming practices to reduce nitrous oxide emissions

Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas that is about 300 times better at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, so even small emissions of nitrous oxide affect the climate. Organic agricultural practices, such as legume cover crops and applications of animal manure, can curtail nutrient runoff and soil erosion when combined but at the same time release nitrous oxide. Researchers at [...]

field with rows of crops

Healthy soils sustain food security

Researchers at the nation’s land-grant universities are studying the health of soils to increase agricultural production and decrease the use of agrochemicals used to grow food. Their work will contribute to our ability to meet the world’s growing demand for food. Here are a few examples of that work: Agricultural researchers in Pennsylvania are studying how soil salinity and soil nitrogen [...]