Tag - South Dakota


a woman cares for her elderly father

Extension in the Dakotas helps caregivers find support

An estimated 21.3% of Americans are caregivers — those who are helping relatives or friends with daily tasks such as eating, dressing, bathing and managing medications as they face situations such as end-of-life decline, chronic illness and recovery from surgery or illness. Becoming a caregiver can present many difficulties. As the Baby Boomer generation gets older and more Americans [...]

kids swimming in a natural body of water

Strengthening families through engaging programs

Research and Cooperative Extension professionals in the Land-grant University System are dedicated to developing innovative programs that impact diverse communities nationwide. This work helps improve the lives of youths and families by connecting them with educational resources and engaging opportunities. Here are a few examples of that work: In Oklahoma, the Co-Parenting for Resilience program is helping parents effectively cope with [...]

group of women talking

Extension boosts resilience in rural South Dakota communities

With the advancement of technology and a greater interest toward rural migration, rural communities have more opportunities to attract and capture new talent, entrepreneurs and working populations who can build local economies. For that reason, South Dakota State University Extension responded to the demographic changes happening in the rural Great Plains by creating Marketing Hometown America. This Extension-based program helps [...]

photo of two older adults using resistance bands for exercise

Supporting healthy aging through activity, social connectedness, positive outlook

The older adult population is growing more rapidly than other age groups in the United States. At the same time, aging stigma and lack of information on aging can affect health outcomes. Land-grant universities across the country have unique programming to aid healthy aging by promoting activity, social connectedness, positive outlook and more. Here are a few examples of that [...]

young boy bites into a piece of watermelon

Grow Getters instills early healthy habits

Good health in the early years leads to physical and cognitive development that enables youths to thrive and become healthy adults. Early care and education providers can teach healthy behaviors to young children if resources are available in a grab-and-go format. South Dakota State University Extension professionals created Grow Getters to provide nutrition and physical activities through garden concepts [...]

A hand holds carrots and a beet among a spread of other vegetables.

Getting more local, fresh produce into communities

Although fresh fruits and vegetables are key to health, difficulties abound in obtaining local produce. Land-grant institutions across the country work in a number of ways to promote growing produce as well as marketing and buying it locally. Here are a few examples of that work: In Georgia, the Fresh on DeK Mobile Farmers Market targets communities without access to a [...]

man cooking in an industrial kitchen

Licensed kitchen requirements made easy by South Dakota Extension

Before food entrepreneurs can sell products to retailers, they often must have them tested or evaluated in a licensed kitchen. However, finding one or figuring out how to create one can be difficult for those trying to bring new products to market. To assist those new to the business, South Dakota University food safety specialists put together easy-to-follow information [...]

closeup of hands holding a pea seed packet. there is a bag of seed packets in the background.

Community gardens increase food security and community well-being

Based on the 2023 National Gardening Survey, 80% of American households participated in a gardening project in 2022. Through Extension trainings, seed libraries and gardening kits and the efforts of Extension Master Gardener volunteers, land-grant universities are increasing access to gardens, improving community well-being, and helping individuals learn to grow their own food. Here are a few examples of that [...]

a group of cows stands in a grassy area near some trees

Research, education improve livestock health

Livestock producers are continually searching for the best management strategies to protect animal health, which is essential to productivity and profitability as well as the animal’s well-being. Maintaining healthy animals also protects human health. Here are a few examples of how land-grant universities are contributing: When the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) threatened domestic poultry in Oregon, Extension responded rapidly with [...]

crops growing in a field

Creating new, sustainable products from agricultural waste and biomass

Petroleum and other nonrenewable materials are commonly used for plastics, industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other products we use on a daily basis. But many of these products can be made from biomass, including food and agricultural wastes. Bioproducts offer a way to improve energy security, food security and national security while also cutting back on fossil fuel-related pollution [...]

dairy cow against a blue sky

Extension helps South Dakota dairies boost health, production and profits

South Dakota is among the 16 leading dairy states in the United States, contributing 13% of U.S. milk production. The dairy industry in South Dakota has more than doubled the number of milk cows since its historic low in 2004. This increase in milk cows in South Dakota and the surrounding region creates a unique opportunity to produce high [...]