Tag - Idaho


map of gardens with points highlighted with carrot icons. there is also a photograph of a garden.

Edible garden tours encourage new gardeners

Idaho gardeners face unpredictable growing conditions and this can discourage those new to gardening or with limited experience. Gardening offers many benefits, including food security, personal empowerment, economic savings and physical activity. University of Idaho Extension organized a self-guided Edible Garden Tour with 13 experienced home gardeners to encourage and educate new gardeners. Each host garden was unique, from [...]

A hand holds carrots and a beet among a spread of other vegetables.

Getting more local, fresh produce into communities

Although fresh fruits and vegetables are key to health, difficulties abound in obtaining local produce. Land-grant institutions across the country work in a number of ways to promote growing produce as well as marketing and buying it locally. Here are a few examples of that work: In Georgia, the Fresh on DeK Mobile Farmers Market targets communities without access to a [...]

a closeup of hands examining wheat

Strong farms strengthen local food systems

New farmers just starting out and established farmers looking to expand markets have something in common: looking to the Land-grant University System to support their growth. Strong local farms strengthen local food systems and food security. Here are a few examples of this work: When participant surveys indicated a need for more in-depth and hands-on farmer education, Idaho Extension educators responded [...]

a group of cows stands in a grassy area near some trees

Research, education improve livestock health

Livestock producers are continually searching for the best management strategies to protect animal health, which is essential to productivity and profitability as well as the animal’s well-being. Maintaining healthy animals also protects human health. Here are a few examples of how land-grant universities are contributing: When the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) threatened domestic poultry in Oregon, Extension responded rapidly with [...]