Tag - Nebraska


two scientists analyze samples in a food lab

Understanding how natural chemicals in food affect health

The foods and drinks we consume contain natural chemicals like vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, toxicants and hormones that can positively or negatively impact human health. Since 1971, a multistate project has brought together researchers at 22 land-grant universities to research the effects of these dietary bioactive chemicals. Studies shed light on mechanisms involved in bioactivity and determined how agricultural practices [...]

a man holding a wood pallet in a workshop

Nebraska eCommunities program boosts rural economies

In rural Nebraska, many communities have experienced population losses leading to a decline in economic activity. Since 2021, an Extension program from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has offered support for business owners in 20 communities in 12 rural counties, helping them set and develop strategies for achieving their goals. The Nebraska Entrepreneurial Communities, or eCommunities, initiative sets up a steering [...]

a barn in kansas on sprawling field

Taking the mystery out of land leasing in Kansas

U.S. Census data reflect that half of Kansas farm and range land is operated on a leased basis. Much of the land is owned by widows and non-farming children who are often absentee. The success of leasing agreements is key to supporting healthy agriculture and rural communities in the state. Extension educators from Kansas State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and [...]