Tag - University of Guam


two scientists analyze samples in a food lab

Understanding how natural chemicals in food affect health

The foods and drinks we consume contain natural chemicals like vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, toxicants and hormones that can positively or negatively impact human health. Since 1971, a multistate project has brought together researchers at 22 land-grant universities to research the effects of these dietary bioactive chemicals. Studies shed light on mechanisms involved in bioactivity and determined how agricultural practices [...]

a farmer standing in a field

Aiding farmers and rural residents with mental health struggles

Agricultural producers have one of the highest suicide rates of any industry in the nation but can be hesitant to seek help when struggling with their mental health or have limited access to mental healthcare. Land-grant institutions across the country have implemented programming targeting mental health concerns. Here are a few examples of that work: The Farmer Focus Project surveyed producers [...]