Analysis of long-term impacts on U.S. crop production

Analysis of long-term impacts on U.S. crop production

The United States is the world’s primary soybean producer, with more than 70 million acres yielding more than 97 million metric tons each year. Pennsylvania State University researchers conducted studies to try to determine the long-term impacts of crop losses and climate change on soybeans and other crops.

Analysis showed that economic losses due to soybean diseases total more than $95 billion over a 10-year span. The results provide critical information on the economic impact of diseases and which diseases create the greatest economic losses.

Another study used machine learning — a form of artificial intelligence — to evaluate crop yields and weather data over three decades and across 18 Midwest and Great Plains states. Based on the analysis, the best growing conditions for soybeans and corn seem to be shifting northward from Iowa and Illinois to Minnesota and the Dakotas. This shift will take place over the next 40 to 50 years.

These studies are helping farmers, researchers, supply chains and government officials better anticipate and plan for changes in U.S. crop production into the future.

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